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Women's Fellowship
We are inviting everyone to help sort seeds at Morgan Scott Project in Deer Lodge, TN, April 17th.
We will carpool from the church parking lot arriving at 7:45 a.m. and leaving at 8:00 a.m. Please bring a lunch with you!!

Women’s Fellowship Annual Christmas Brunch and
Baby Shower for Jesus
Wednesday, December 13 at 10:00 am in Fellowship Hall -
Bring a brunch item to share as well as a “baby gift” for the
Plateau Pregnancy Center.
Needs include: Diapers (preemie and sizes 3-6)
Wipes, Baby Toiletries, Baby Clothes
Join us for good eats, fellowship, and games. Please sign up on
the Women’s Fellowship bulletin board in Fellowship Hall or
contact Jamie Freels 972-978-4737

Women’s Fellowship would like to invite all church
members to join us at
HARMONY LANE FARM in Smithville, TN.
Join Us On August 9th

Women's Fellowship
Mother's Day Tea 2023

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