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Church Choir


The choir rehearses every Thursday afternoon from 4:00 to 5:30 at the church, and again at 9:15 AM on Sundays before the 10:00 service. New members are always welcome.  If interested, contact the church office and they will direct you to the appropriate person. 


In addition to singing during Sunday services, the choir performs one cantata each year during the month of December.  Look for the announcement in late summer and plan to come and join us!  Cantata rehearsals usually start in September.  Anyone, not a regular choir member who wants to sing in the cantata is invited to join us. Contact the office above to let her know you are interested and get additional information. 


You can see our choir director's bio here



The Church Keyboardist provides music and accompaniment for scheduled Sunday worship services, rehearsals with the choir, celebrations of life, and other special services, in support of the music ministry of the church.  We are blessed to have John Turner a highly qualified musician to meet these needs.  



Bell Choir


Fairfield Glade Community Church has an extensive collection of handbells, three octaves of hand chimes, plus several percussion instruments in our collection.  Recently, we purchased a Cajon, a sit-upon drum.  The bell choir rehearses every Thursday at 3:00 PM in our sanctuary.   They ring monthly during Sunday services and for special events.  New ringers are always welcome.  It is recommended that ringers be able to read music.  If interested, please contact the church office and they will direct you to the appropriate person. 


You can see our bell choir coordinator's bio here



















                                                                       The Joyful Jubilee Bells


                    Back Row:  Brenda Moore, Linda Eppelheimer, Tove Thomas, Angela Anderson, Nancy Burleson

                    Front Row:  Joyce Sessler, Toni Kim, Jan Ginter, Gloria Lusk


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