Men’s Fellowship
We meet every Thursday morning at 8:00 a.m.
If you would like to attend a Men’s Gathering with Fellowship and a Little Comradery, then join us! We can’t wait to see you. We’ll bring the coffee!
Men's Fellowship
The Men’s Fellowship gathers together with the primary purpose of spending time with friends and for the opportunity to get better acquainted with other church members. However, we also provide support (transportation, handyman, etc.) to church members needing assistance because of health reasons. Additionally, we also make charitable contributions to worthy causes when funding is available. Our major project for each year is a Ladies Appreciation Program.
Our fellowship meetings take place at breakfast Thursday mornings from 8:00 am to 9:00 am in the Fireside Room. Meetings are informal and with informative programs twice a month. At times, guest speakers are invited to present interesting community programs. Some programs entail field trips to places of interest.
Our group is self-sustaining, receives no funding from the church, and does not conduct fund-raising endeavors to support our budget. Each year we send a letter of invitation to all male members of the church to participate in our fellowship with a request for an annual donation of $25 to cover our expenses and fund charitable contributions. It is not necessary to make a contribution to participate in fellowship.
If you have questions, please call the church office.
All men are welcome!
Men’s Group Stepping OUT – Eden Ridge
The Men’s Group has decided to get on our traveling shoes and start going out and exploring our area with field trips. Everyone was excited and spoke about all the wonderful outings/field trips they had in the past and we have started planning for the next four months. We had many suggestions and settled on the following initial destinations: Eden Ridge in July, go to a Smokies baseball game in Knoxville in August, visit Sweetwater Valley Farm Dairy in September and finally go to spooky Bushy Prison in October.
Signup contact Sonny Weber, Roy Koskinen or Don Eppelheimer.