Would you like to make an online donation to Fairfield Glade Community Church? By clicking the "Donate Now" button below, you will be taken to the Vanco website (our online donation processor) where you can give to any of these funds:
General Contributions
Building Use (for use by Outside Groups only)
During the appropriate time of year, you can also make donations to:
One Great Hour of Sharing
Peacekeeping/Neighbors in Need
Christmas Joy
For step by step instructions for using Online Giving, please click here.
If you prefer, you may also donate via:
Sunday Service Offering Plate
Handwritten checks mailed or hand-delivered to the church
Using the online banking feature with your bank or credit union to mail a check directly to the church
Your generosity is deeply appreciated!
If you have any questions regarding the online processing, please contact the office at
931-484-7412 or email